
Implant Supported Dentures - Louisville, KY

Consider the options for restoring your missing smile

"Melony’s Story: All-On-4 Dental Implants Are For Anyone!"
patient and doctor smiling together after patient's treatment within the dental center

Say Goodbye to Dentures: Why Dental Implants Are the Future

Choose the Best Solution for Your Smile

If you’re among the more than 178 million Americans who is missing at least one tooth, you’ve likely experienced embarrassment and daily challenges. In the not so distant past, people who lost a tooth or multiple teeth had to settle for fixed dental bridges or conventional dentures. If you’re struggling with missing teeth or the downsides of conventional dentures, the good news is you have far more options today. Dental implants are made of titanium, a biocompatible material that fuses with underlying bone over the course of several months. Once they integrate with your jawbone, dental implants function like the roots of biological teeth to provide strong support for replacement crowns. Dental implants are the most versatile tooth replacement because they can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or a full arch lost to trauma, decay or gum disease. From single implants to removable and fixed implant supported dentures, our implant dentist Dr. Schroering provides a wide range of dental implants in Louisville, KY that will restore your smile, health and quality of life!

Comparing Fixed Teeth Vs. Removable

In general, the two options for replacing missing teeth are fixed and removable. Although dentures may seem like a cost-effective and quick solution to remedy tooth loss, they come with downsides. Dentures can fall out, click or slip and require messy adhesive and removal for cleaning. Gum tissue irritation and trouble eating and speaking are common issues experienced by conventional denture wearers. Because dentures sit on top of your gums, they don’t stimulate the underlying bone. Bone loss progresses unchecked and can lead to the characteristic “sunken-in” look many people associate with dentures. Implants for dentures are an upgrade that eliminate many of these issues. Removable implant supported dentures in Louisville, KY stabilized by two or more dental implants can restore 60% of dental function. Implant supported dentures can also be designed as a fixed prosthesis that is only removable by a dental professional. If you’re looking for permanent dentures, the latter is your best option.

Full mouth dental implants in Louisville, KY consist of a fixed prosthetic bridge of teeth permanently supported by four to eight dental implants. Unlike dentures, full mouth dental implants stimulate bone growth and prevent undesirable changes to your facial structure. In addition to looking and functioning like natural teeth, full mouth dental implants are designed to be long lasting. They’re more comfortable and stable than conventional dentures, thereby restoring over 98% of function and enabling you to eat all the foods you love.

full dentures


implant supported dentures model

Implant Supported Dentures

full arch dental implant model within the dental center

Full Arch Fixed Teeth

Experience Matters with Dental Implants

Choose Advanced Implant Centers for your dental implant journey, where our experienced implant dentist, Dr. Schroering, brings years of advanced training and expertise in placing dental implants in Louisville, KY. Utilizing state-of-the-art technologies, including precision digital software for guided implant surgery, we tailor a tooth replacement solution that aligns with your smile goals, oral health needs, and budget. Our straightforward and efficient treatment process begins with a personalized consultation and evaluation by Dr. Schroering.

While most patients are ideal candidates for full mouth dental implants, preliminary treatments may be necessary for those with bone loss or gum disease. On the day of implant placement, various anesthesia options ensure your comfort. You will receive a temporary set of natural-looking teeth on the same day, and after the implants fuse with your jawbone, return for your final customized restoration to complete your transformative smile journey.

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Avoid Making Costly Mistakes!

Dental implants are a lifetime investment in your health, function, and quality of life. Avoid the common mistakes people make when considering implants by following our recommendations.
patient shacking hands with staff member at the front desk of the dental center

Invest in a Long-Term Dream Smile

Although they come with a higher upfront cost, dental implants are a cost-effective treatment when you consider they can provide decades or even a lifetime of oral health and happiness with proper care. Dental implant costs are based on necessary preliminary treatments and your customized treatment plan. Fixed full mouth dental implants cost more than removable implant-supported dentures.

Although most insurance companies don’t cover dental implants, some may partially pay for the crown component. At Advanced Implant Centers, we want everyone to enjoy the life-changing benefits of dental implants, so we offer top-rated third-party financing to make them more affordable.

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George's Story

Enjoy a Restored Smile and Better Quality of Life.

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